105 The SpotLife server did not respond. This could be due to a number of reasons, including server problems and network difficulties. Please try again later.
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109 Accept
110 Reject
111 Need help?\nPlease visit the SpotLife help desk.
112 One or more data fields are invalid.
113 Password and Confirmation are not the same.\nPlease re-enter them.
114 A user name must be between 2 and 32 characters in length and contain only uppercase and lowercase alphanumeric characters (no spaces).
115 Your password should be easy for you to remember.\n\nA password must be between 6 and 32 characters in length and contain only uppercase and lowercase alphanumeric characters.
116 If you forget your Password, it could be e-mailed to you.\n\nA typical email address looks like: name@mailserve.com
117 To connect to your existing free web site on SpotLife (TM), we need the user name and password for that site.
118 The email address is already known to SpotLife. Either you already have an account or you entered it incorrectly.
119 SpotLife has determined that the email address is invalid.\nPlease enter a valid address.
120 SpotLife cannot find your account. Either your user name or password is incorrect. Enter correct values and try again.
121 Error: terms and conditions not available
122 Connecting to the Internet...
123 Received invalid response from server.
124 To activate your free web site, we need a user name and password so that we can recognize you and your QuickCam. Your user name will appear as part of the Web site address (URL).
125 A password must be between 6 and 32 characters in length and contain only uppercase and lowercase alphanumeric characters.